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BTC ATMs to be Added in Seattle and Austin

There was a article out on Yahoo today announcing a Las Vegas companies plans to add a ATM machine in Seattle and Austin.  The article itself was what I would term low information and leaned to the negative, but did get the basic point across that these machines would allow a user to buy or cash out BTCs with a swipe of your drivers license or passport.

Now generally, most miners/traders are aware of the MT.Gox issues.  Certainly not good press for cryptocurrencies in general, but then again not the end of the world as other market places are stepping up and doing business as usual.  I do see this as positive news, though not earth shaking as a couple ATMs are not going to move the market significantly, or garner huge exposure for BTC.

What I found interesting was the comments section after the article.  Now granted this is probably not representative of the the overall population, but I expected a few more educated comments.  There were a few open minded individuals expressing lack of knowledge and a interest to know more, but the vast majority of the comments were negative, uninformed, and many wreaked of out right fear.

The comments were far ranging referring to cryptocurrencies as a scam, pyramid, ghost money, a means to topple governments, a way for the IRS to track every penny, etc........  Now yea, the IRS comment I can believe because if they want to stick it to you they can.  Just look what they did to Al Capone.

Cryptocurrencies are by no means a sure thing, but to ignore them completely or write them off over some bad press is a bit foolish.  Everything had issues when it first started and began to gain traction on the world stage.

We need to raise the knowledge bar and each of us can have a part.   I have yet to find a friend involved in cryptocurrencies, and only one kinda heard about it.  Talk with your friends and family and get them involved.  Show them how mining works, show them your rigs if you have them, help them build one,  show them how to make a buck every day, warn them of the pit falls, and show them the potential profitability.  

There are very few investments out there, or that I have come across that are capable of yielding a immediate return.  A few more weeks and I will have recouped my initial investment and it is effectively gravy after that. 

I do not have grand illusions of cryptocurrencies making me rich beyond my wildest dreams, but then again no one thought much of Coca-cola, Microsoft, or Apple when they first started either!

Be safe and find MoAr blocks!


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