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Welcome to the Crypto Currency world!

Hey everyone, 
I received a interesting text message yesterday from a friend of mine over at Crypto Pros asking if I could write?  Now generally such a question is harmless, but the message closely resembled another received right before Thanksgiving "hey dude do you mine" .

The jury is still out on my answer of "nope, mine what?", so I was determined to get the next one correct and hopefully limit my financial and mental stress. Of course I write, everyone writes!  I know all my letters and numbers, I did real good in school, and I am the only member of my family to graduate the 6th grade.  Do I write, sheeesh!

Well, again the jury is out on this answer, because now writing has turned into Blogging.  Great another new experience just what I needed.  The only good thing about blogging is it doesn't cost you anything(so far), but it also doesn't make you anything(sucks).  So my ventures into crypt o currency and blogging should thoroughly confuse my shrink and probably land me in the nut house, or atleast get me a prescription for some good happy pills!

So, now I am a blogger in addition to being a miner, and get to share the trials and tribulations of my foray into the crypt o currency world. 

I think a good starting point will be to cover why I decided to mine on the first place.





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