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To mine, or not to mine, that is the question 2

Well we covered the "for fun, no risk" should I mine aspect previously, but what next?

Do I go past a couple cards, or couple rigs, or wait for ASIC or FPGA  releases?   . If we knew all that information along with where the coin prices were going it wouldn't be any fun now would it?

Since I have started Litecoin mining difficulty has risen substantially.   In large part to all the press given to cyrpto coins in general and also based on the fact that GPUs are relevant in scrypt mining.  At least at the moment.  GPUs allow us regular "Joes" to run down to our local electronics stores and put together a mining rig in short order.   To the point there was a real shortage of GPUs the last few months, but that seems to be stabilizing at the moment.

FPGA/ASIC technology I am told is so much easier to manage, and does reduce power consumption in a positive way, but recent releases have proven that scrypt mining is not as easy in a FPGA environment and the gains are no where near that experienced for Bitcoin.   These release have yet to beat GPUs in anything other than maybe maintenance.

Mining is really not about your profit today, it should be about your potential for tomorrow.  I personally do not want to be like the person in the first official Bitcoin transaction who purchased 2 pizzas for 10,000 Bitcoins.  This person probably had a million of them, but still, a little patience would have paid of f big.  I just wonder if the pizza guy had patience.

GPUs will remain relevant for the time being, so additional GPUs I will add.  In the mean time be careful of the technology releases that claim to good to be true performance, if it were real it would be great but in a prepay situation, you have little leverage if the development ends without success, or the delivery keeps pushing due to lack of funds.  

I am personally in this for the long haul and playing with money I plan to either loose or make a healthy profit from.   It all depends on the coin Gods!


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