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What Can You Do With Bitcoin? Become An ASTRONAUT!

Have about 300 or so Bitcoins (as of this writing) just burning a hole in your wallet and want to splurge on a serious bucket list item?

How about a ride into space on Virgin Galactic!

Sir Richard Branson stated on his blog that:
Virgin Galactic is one of the universe’s most exciting, futuristic companies. Bitcoin, the virtual currency, has really captured the imagination recently as one of the world’s most innovative businesses looking to the future. So we think it is about time Virgin Galactic customers can choose to pay with bitcoins.
He goes on to say that a ride has already been purchased with Bitcoin:
One future astronaut, a female flight attendant from Hawaii, has already purchased her Virgin Galactic ticket using bitcoins, and we expect many more to follow in her footsteps. All of our future astronauts are pioneers in their own right, and this is one more way to be forward-thinking. 
He continues with some thoughts on Bitcoin we feel are worth sharing:
I have invested in some bitcoins myself, and find it fascinating how a whole new global currency has been created. For people who can afford to invest a little in bitcoins, it’s worth looking into. 

Lastly he ends his post with the following...well said Sir Richard!
Virgin Galactic is a company looking into the future, so is Bitcoin. So it makes sense we would offer Bitcoin as a way to pay for your journey to space. A lot of the people who have joined Bitcoin are tech-minded people, as are many of our current future astronauts. We would be delighted to welcome more of the Bitcoin community as future astronauts.


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