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Auto-Switch Mining Vs. Single Pool Mining

We have been asked by some of our readers which is more profitable, auto-switch mining ( multi pool mining ) or single pool mining.

It is an interesting question and with more and more auto-switching pools becoming available, a timely one.

To best answer this, we have set up a side by side comparison test which we will be running over the next month.

The test is being performed on two identical mining rigs running on the same network.  The miners are running Xubuntu on MSI motherboards, they are running two 7970 cards each averaging between 715 and 750 KH/s per card.

The test will run for one month and we will be comparing results weekly in total BTC and average performance.

For the single pool, we are using coinotron.com mining LTC with RBPPS payout.

For the auto-switching pool, we are using  multipool.us all payouts will follow the guide we wrote for multi pool mining which you can read by clicking here.

We will post the results weekly to the end of this post as well as posting a separate analysis once the test is complete. If you have any suggestions or comments please post.

Weekly Progress Report:

Friday, January 17, 2014
Start Test

Friday, January 24, 2014
Single Pool mining LTC: 0.0531086748176898 BTC
Multi Pool Mining: 0.09709125 BTC

Sorry for the delay in week 2

Tuesday, February 4, 2014
Single Pool mining LTC: 0.12048 BTC
Multi Pool Mining: 0.16155933 BTC

Friday, February 7, 2014
Single Pool mining LTC: 0.061 BTC
Multi Pool Mining: 0.090473 BTC

Friday, February 14, 2014
Single Pool mining LTC: 0.05276 BTC
Multi Pool Mining: 0.0969843 BTC

End Test

Multipool.us: 0.44610788
Coinotron LTC: 0.28734867481769


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