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Crypto Pros Marketplace - Classifieds To Turn Your Unwanted Items Into Coin!

Crypto Pros is proud to announce the launch of our cryptocurrency Marketplace!

The Marketplace offers a convenient and TOTALY FREE way to sell items and services around the world for Bitcoin or your favorite altcoin.

The Marketplace is simple to use and does not require you to register an account, though we suggest you consider registering one as it will make managing your postings easier.  If you choose to, you can even log in using your Facebook login.

Simply click on the Marketplace tab on the main navigation bar of www.cryptopros.com to get to the Marketplace homepage. The site has a familiar classifieds layout, reminiscent of Craigslist, where you will find not only a general For Sale and Services section, but also a Cyptocurrency specific section for listings such as trading bots, mining equipment and other cryptocurrency centric postings.

Posting a listing is easy and it can be anonymous if you so choose.  Simply click on the "Publish Your Ad For Free" link and fill out the form.  You start by choosing a category, then give the post a title and write a description, next set the price and currency you want to transact in.  We have made every coin currently trading on Cryptsy available, and will keep the list updated as new altcoins come on to the market.


Once you select the coin and price the item, you can add up to 5 pictures to better market your item or service.  

Next enter the location of the item, and an email address which you wish to receive the replies to your ad on.  Press "Post" and your ad will be live!

We just made the service live and we need your help to populate the listings and spread the word. Please post items for sale and share this article with you friends and associates interested in cryptocurrency.  

If we can build a vibrant classifieds marketplace where goods and services can easily be exchanged for digital currency between buyer and seller, we will all benefit from the increased validation of cryptocurrencies as a means of commerce exchange.  

So next time you decide to clean out your garage or closet, skip eBay and Craigslist and sell your items at http://market.cryptopros.com for the cryptocurrency of your choice!

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libudev error

So I made it through my Linux install, loaded my AMD drivers, and the system can see all my GPUs! The moment of truth has arrived, cgminer is all setup, and I hit enter.......

"libudev.so.0: cannot open shared object file: no such file or directory"

Well what the heck is this we are supposed to mining now?  Reviewing some more guides there is no reference to this error.  I find a few individual posts about this error, and a guide that goes into great detail about how this occurred, how to fix it, and offers step by step instructions that take like forever.  DIDN'T WORK!

Hmmm, after more searching and a few discussions with some fellow miners I found that this issue did not exist until recently and that earlier versions of cgminer did not experience this, though information on which version of cgminer worked was unclear.  Being stubborn, I decided that I just needed to make 3.7.2 work.

After several trial and error sessions this is what worked for me.   It turns out some smart guy somewhere thought it was necessary to change a file name such that it no longer ended in 0, but ended in 1.   Now Chrome users and more importantly (to me) cgminer couldn't operate without some intervention.

First, there are some guides out there that say only install CURL and update associated packages if you get a error message after your driver install.  Well just do it regardless of if you get a error message or not.

Next, we have to associate the libudev.0 file to the libudev.1 file.  There are some one line commands out there that are supposed to do this, but not being a Linux expert I could never get these to work for me.

Get to your root directory, for me this was sudo -i, then:

ln -s /usr/local/lib/libjansson.so.4 /usr/lib/libjansson.so.4
ln -s /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libudev.so.0 /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libudev.so.1
ln -s /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libudev.so.0.13.0 /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libudev.so.1

Now I still get a libudev error listing my GPUs, but they show up properly, cgminer is happy, and the system is stable and hashing away. 
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Buy & Sell Bitcoins Locally For Cash With LocalBitcoins.com

So you are interested in Bitcoin (BTC) but prefer doing business face to face for cash on the barrelhead...no worries, LocalBitcoins.com has you covered.    

LocalBitcoins.com is a worldwide online network of buyers and sellers of Bitcoin that facilitates both online AND in person transaction.  

Users post listing for Bitcoins they are looking to either buy or sell, the type of payments they will deal in, and if they want to transact online or in person.

Think a Bitcoin centric eBay/Craigslist setup complete with a feedback system, more on that in a moment...it is an important element in how LocalBitcoins.com brings value to its users.

Transactions are made more convenient and secure by using the sites transaction service, especially their escrow service if you are buying online.  

Once you set up an account at LocalBitcoins.com you can search for sellers in your area, or post an ad to sell your own coins.

Buying In Person For Cash

Log on to LocalBitcoins.com and enter the location you would like to search for sellers in, and the method you want to use to purchase them, in this case cash.

The system will come back with results like this:

This is where the rating system comes in handy.  Taking the example above, you can see 
that prices range from $787.44 to $915 per Bitcoin, with one of the sellers having a 100% rating with over 100 transactions to their credit.  You are of course free to chose how you would like to proceed, but in this instance I would highly recommend contacting the last seller, the one I have circled in red. Not the cheapest, but not overly priced, and definitely has the best comfort factor due to the high rating and transaction count.

By the way, did you notice the link in the right hand corner of the picture above stating "Show more on map for buy bitcoin with cash"?  This is a useful feature and will return results like this:

Clicking on this sellers listing with the high rating I circled, we come to the following screen:

Here the seller lays out what his/her terms are, where they would like to meet, and even offers to help out a newbie.  This brings up a great point, the community on LocalBitcoins.com is full of Bitcoin evangelists that are eager to share their knowledge, help a newbie get started, or just enjoy talking with other enthusiast.  I find real value in this and suggest you take advantage of it if your new, and give back to the cryptocurrency community if you are well versed. 
Let me know if you are new to Bitcoin.  I can help you get started.
Once you and the seller have agreed to the amount of BTC to be bought, the seller will send that amount of coin to a temporary Bitcoin address, and you will receive a secret verification code via a text message so that you know the transaction has been funded by the seller. 

Now it is time to go meet the seller and pay them for the coin. It is completely up the seller as to what they want to be paid in, obviously cash is king, but I have seen sellers willing to take gift cards and all sorts of other items. 

Once you have paid for the Bitcoin, the seller sends a release code to the system and both of you will receive a confirmation text letting you know the transaction is complete!

Key points to remember for a safe transaction:

  • Pick a seller with a good rating percentage and a decent count of transaction
  • Pick a well lit public place for your meeting, like a coffee house or mall courtyard
  • Avoid sellers that are not communicative with you prior to the sale
  • Use your common sense, you wouldn't meet someone to buy a laptop for cash off Craigslist at 2:00am in a deserted parking lot...same holds true here
So why buy in person and not from an exchange like Coinbase?   (See our post on Coinbase here.)

Coinbase and other such exchanges/sellers are very useful and definitely have a place in the market, but they do have their issues, the two main ones that LocalBitcoins.com addresses well are the time it takes to receive your the Bitcoins from your first purchases and the lack of anonymity.

Most exchanges such as Coinbase require a validation or probation period can make the first transactions conducted prior to satisfying this requirement take a week or more, due to the cash in person nature of a LocalBitcoins.com sale this is not an issue.

Lastly due to governmental regulations, you have to register your identity and in most cases your Social Security number with exchanges such as Coinbase.  Did I mention cash is king earlier?  With an in person cash transaction arranged though LocalBitcoins.com, currently this is not the case, so if your privacy is important to you I highly suggest you consider setting up an account at LocalBitcoins.com which you can do by clicking on the following banner or any of the LocalBitcoins.com links in this article.

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TigerDirect Hops On Bitcoin Bandwagon!

TigerDirect announced yesterday in a press release that they have started to accept Bitcoin for over 200,000 products on their online store.
The announcement comes on the heals of Overstock.com's move to accept Bitcoin earlier this month.  With the success that Overstock has witnessed with Bitcoin, and now with TigerDirect coming onboard, it is highly likely we will see a score of other major retailers adopting Bitcoin in the vary near future.
TigerDirect is the first major US electronics retailer and largest company to date to accept the digital currency Bitcoin via BitPay.
Steven Leeds, Director of Corporate Marketing at TigerDirect, is quoted in the announcement stating “With individuals building their own high-powered PCs with parts offered on our site to mine Bitcoins, it’s a logical fit.”
It is true that TigerDirect does carry a wide variety of AMD based GPU's, as well as PCI-e heavy motherboards that are well suited for building scrypt mining rigs for altcoins such as Litecoin, but it is a stretch to believe Mr. Leeds and his fellow executives at TigerDirect are under the impression that Bitcoin miners are still building GPU based miners.  That said, they do list Butterfly Labs products as "coming soon" on a page of their site dedicated to educating their customers about Bitcoin, you can see it here.
If you are interested in mining Bitcoin and can not wait for Butterfly Labs to deliver product to TigerDirect, you can always purchase hosted GH at CEX.IO for Bitcoin.

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Who Wants Some Raspberry Pi?

So... I wanted to do a little test to see how easy it was to setup an ACIC miner using a Raspberry Pi.

Step One: Buy Some New Toys

I went to Amazon and bought a Raspberry Pi, then on eBay to pick up a few USB ASIC Block Eruptor - Bitcoin Miners, and a powered 10 port USB hub.

YES I know they are not profitable, but all of this was just to see how easy it really is to get an ASIC mining rig going.
Buy it Here


Wait around for a week or so for my equipment to arrive.  When it came in and I finally got to play with the Raspberry Pi...well...sort of...I realized I had forgot to buy a SD card to load an OS on, so Best Buy here I come.

Step Three: OS Time

Weighing the options as to what OS to load: Arch linux, Raspbian, a horde of other, I finally came upon MinePeon and it caught my eye as a good turn key solution. If you haven't looked into MinePeon before, take a look here, it's an interesting and useful distribution specifically written for mining. It comes with all the tools built in including cgminer and bfgminer, plus a nice little web interface for monitoring your miners and their performance with email updates if your hash drops too low, or a miner dies on you.

It took a little while to flash the image to the SD card, but once done, it loaded easily to the Raspberry Pi.  Next I crossed my fingers, powered it up, and low and behold it boot flawlessly and found all the USB miners with no fuss or configuration needed.

Step Four: Pool Configuration

One of the nice things about using the MinePeons' web interface is the ease of configuring all you pools, I pointed the miners to my slush pool account and BAM it started mining.

The ease of install was a breath of fresh air, there where no configuring scripts, no making sure everything was in the right place, no finding drivers and SDKs, etc. etc.  It was actual plug and play...go figure. The whole process took less than an hour with 30 minutes of that spent downloading and flashing the MinePeon image on to the SD card.

To recap, all I did was:
  • Purchase 10 USB ASIC Block Eruptor - Bitcoin Miners, 1 Raspberry Pi, and a 10 port powered USB hub
  • Plug all the miners into the hub and the hub into the Raspberry Pi
  • Load the MinePeon image on to the SD card, stick it in the Raspberry Pi and powered up 
  • Set up my pools and start to mine

The USB ASIC Block Eruptor - Bitcoin Miners did about 330KH/s as advertised, and I ended up with a 3.3 GHs mining rig for...well...lets just say more than you would want to spend for a 3.3 GHs mining rig...BUT I walked away with a bit of knowledge and that is worth every penny!

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What Can You Do With Bitcoin? Become An ASTRONAUT!

Have about 300 or so Bitcoins (as of this writing) just burning a hole in your wallet and want to splurge on a serious bucket list item?

How about a ride into space on Virgin Galactic!

Sir Richard Branson stated on his blog that:
Virgin Galactic is one of the universe’s most exciting, futuristic companies. Bitcoin, the virtual currency, has really captured the imagination recently as one of the world’s most innovative businesses looking to the future. So we think it is about time Virgin Galactic customers can choose to pay with bitcoins.
He goes on to say that a ride has already been purchased with Bitcoin:
One future astronaut, a female flight attendant from Hawaii, has already purchased her Virgin Galactic ticket using bitcoins, and we expect many more to follow in her footsteps. All of our future astronauts are pioneers in their own right, and this is one more way to be forward-thinking. 
He continues with some thoughts on Bitcoin we feel are worth sharing:
I have invested in some bitcoins myself, and find it fascinating how a whole new global currency has been created. For people who can afford to invest a little in bitcoins, it’s worth looking into. 

Lastly he ends his post with the following...well said Sir Richard!
Virgin Galactic is a company looking into the future, so is Bitcoin. So it makes sense we would offer Bitcoin as a way to pay for your journey to space. A lot of the people who have joined Bitcoin are tech-minded people, as are many of our current future astronauts. We would be delighted to welcome more of the Bitcoin community as future astronauts.

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Want To Accept Bitcoins With Your Shopping Cart?

Want to accept Bitcoins on your shopping cart? 

When selecting a shopping cart for your website, you may want to think about if you are going to accept Bitcoins as a payment option. If that is the case, we have tested both Shopify with BitPay, and Big Commerce with BIPS. Both are solid solutions .


  • Secure shopping cart
  • Payment gateway
  • 0% Transaction Fees
  • Built-in marketing
  • 100+ features
  • Increased conversions
  • Best-in-class support
  • Choose from 100+ 
  • Professional themes
  • Customize the look of your online store
  • A fully-featured website CMS
  • Create customer groups
  • Unlimited bandwidth
  • 99.94% uptime



$24.95 - $299.95

$29.00 - $179.00

A good example of a Big Commerce site running with BIPS is Bump My Lock

An example of Shopify with bitpay is Quad Lock Case
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